Kol Ami Kol Ami

Messages from Israel

by Rina Liebeskind

Rina Liebeskind is the Education Director at Kol Ami Synagogue, traveling to Israel for an Educators’ Mission sponsored by the iCenter, the Jewish Education Project, and Shorashim. The goal of the mission is to show support to Israel by meeting with educators, hostage family members, and officials. While there, Rina will have the opportunity to volunteer and also tour some of the displaced community sites. As a visiting educator, Rina will bear witness to the events of October 7th and its aftermath and share her first-hand experience with learners back at home.

After yesterday’s events that culminated with the visit to Kfar Aza, today began with an uplifting project. A group of 9th grade students from the Beit Hinuch high school, together with a group of displaced students from Kiryat Shmoneh who were forced to leave their home (from the north), put together a Purim activity for soldiers. They took turns sharing thoughts and reflections on their own reality and then asked us (the educators from America), to take part in their project of packing Mishlochei Manot to support soldiers and families of the displaced community of Kiryat Shmoneh.

This project was planned and executed by the teens. They wanted to do something to show their support to their country. Not just for the soldiers but also for their new friends and class mates who like many displaced communities, showed up in Jerusalem  earlier in the war

When asked what message they want us educators to take back with us, they said, “Stop believing what you see on social media.” They kept saying, “Ein launch Eretz acheret -we have no other country; we must protect what’s ours. “

Two officers echoed the same sentiments when we spoke later in the day.

They shared how motivated their soldiers are to defend their beloved country and how hard it is for them to hear lies on social media.

The repeating message that we kept hearing throughout the entire visit is “ This is our time. We must act now to ensure we live safely in our country”.

I’ll end with the words that most resonated with me, which came from Ester Rada, a well-known artist in Israel whom we had the honor to meet in the evening. Ester spoke about using music to spread love and connect with G-d. she ended with the words “we are the light, we must chase the darkness.”

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