Volunteer Opportunities

  • Shabbat and Event Driver

    We have a few congregants who no longer drive and need rides to and from services and events. We try to match those in need with volunteers in the same zip code. If you would like to volunteer one or multiple times a month, please sign up!

  • N'hood Shabbat

    Would you like to host a morning Shabbat at your home or another fun location? You can decide to have a full Shabbat, just singing, socializing, hiking, or anything else! Rabbi Cohen can sometimes make it as well!

  • Shabbat Sha'brunch

    Do you have children in second grade or younger? Host an informal Shabbat morning service at your home for families with young children! Rabbi Malcolm and Cantor Janece will make this a fun and engaging time to meet each other and engage with services in a fun new way.

  • Committees

    Our committees can always use more volunteers to further our vision of being a joyful home of Judaism for all. If you love to cook, visit with people, welcome people to services, or any number of things you can find an opportunity here.